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25 Agustus |Rochester Konsér Orchestra, 2022-2023 usum

Rochester Hills, Michigan, 21 Agustus - Band Konser Komunitas Rochester resep ngumumkeun tanggal konsér pikeun usum 2022-2023.
RCCB will begin rehearsals for the season on Tuesday 6 September and are looking for new members. Any interested wind or percussion musician should contact conductor Paul F. De Rubeis at rochestercommunityconcertband@gmail.com.
70-relawan Rochester Konsér orchestra, dilakukeun ku Paul F. De Rubeis, ngawengku anggota sawawa masarakat jeung siswa SMA ti Greater Rochester jeung Rochester Hills.RCCB mangrupakeun 501 (c) (3) organisasi dibebaskeun pajeg nirlaba;sumbangan wilujeng sumping sarta bisa dijieun dina ramatloka kami: RochesterCommunityConcertBand.org, klik dina tab Sumbangan.

waktos pos: Aug-29-2022